Time to come forth
Time to listen
Time to follow

In the midst of all the chaos 

There is a stillness

If you really listen


There is a voice

A voice long forgotten

Perhaps a voice 

From lifetimes ago

S/he is telling you

That it’s Time


Time to come forth

Time to listen

Time to follow

Your Soul’s true calling


Time to finally do the thing

You truly came

To this planet

To do


You know

Don’t you

What that thing is


But you probably tell yourself a story

That you don’t really know

That you haven’t "figured it out"

Quite yet


For years I told myself a story too

About how I had to “choose”

About how I couldn’t really

Be or Do or Have it all


I couldn’t be the girl

Who talked about social activism 

And entrepreneurship

And money


The girl who valued 

Business seminars 

And vegan protests


I couldn’t work with athletes

While ranting about spirituality 

And humanity and the collective good


But I was wrong

Because the truth is

You can be whoever

You wanna be


You don’t need me

You don't need time

And you don't need 


To be who you are


The other truth 

Is that not everyone

Is going to like it


Not everyone 

Is going to approve


Some will ridicule you

To your face

Others will talk behind your back

Many will follow you from a distance

Keeping closer eyes on you

Then your so-called enemies


But when you understand

That you came here

For a reason

It makes it so much easier

To tune out the noise


It makes it so much easier

To realize 

That in the end

There is only One

You will have to answer to


Journaling Exercise:


So I’ll ask you a question

That one of my mentors 

Once asked me


If I handed you a megaphone

And you had 30 seconds 

To talk to the entire world 

What would you say?


What message

What wisdom

Would you leave behind?


What would you want 

Humanity to know?


Because that’s where 

Your passion really lies

It’s in the conversations

You have 

With your closest friends


It’s in the magic 

Of what inspires you

And angers you

And brings you to tears


It’s the stuff that most of us
Keep to ourselves

Or write in our journals


It's the stuff on our Hearts

The real us





That we may be mocked


Knowing full well

That people may have 

Not-so-nice things

To say about us


And sometimes even knowing

Who those people are

But consciously choosing

Not to let it matter


Your purpose 

Is so much bigger 

Than your stories

It’s so much bigger 

Than your fear


Joy is your natural state

It’s time for you to remember


To our collective growth,

Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.