thought forms

Negative Emotions



You are an ever-evolving product

Of the thoughts you think

The emotions you consume

And the people

You surround yourself with

What you eat

— especially if you eat 

a whole, plant-based diet —

Along with getting

Plenty of water

And exercise 

Is a great way to lower your risk

Of health problems


I’ll be the first to tell you

If you’re harboring negative emotions

Or have unresolved feelings

About anything

Whether from your past or present

 — and are not ACTIVELY WORKING

THROUGH these emotions — 

They will 100% calcify in your body

Eventually in the form of 

Fully manifested

Physical disease

Take-home message being:

Do not deny your emotions

Don’t make them good or bad

Right or wrong

Because emotions

Have no

Inherent goodness

Or badness

They just are

Sort of like the air

We breathe

We don’t analyze the air

And decide whether or not

To “accept” it  

Unpleasant emotions

Can be treated the same way

Sadness is sadness

Anger is anger

Fear is fear

And quite often

It’s not even YOUR 

Sadness, anger and fear

It belongs to the collective

Of humanity

And is something that

You might be picking up on

Because your system 

Is particularly sensitive 

(in a good way)

To the energetic field

Which surrounds us all

But back to the topic of emotions

When you allow

Your feelings
To exist

Without judging them

You create space in your body

Thereby allowing your body

To do what it does best: 


All on its own

Without your input

Or onslaught of criticism



Another helpful hint

I can’t emphasize enough

Is to please stop listening

To people who tell you

That it’s “ok” to feel these emotions

But not ok to feel those emotions

All feelings are valid

Let me say that again


That doesn’t mean 

You need to act on them

It just means

You can stop judging them 

Feelings are messengers

So take some time alone

Get still

Sit in silence

And allow the message/s

To come through you

Without the need

To label

Or constantly talk

About them

Questions to ask yourself:

What might these emotions 

Be trying to tell me?

Where am I not speaking

My truth?

What situation or relationship

Have I outgrown?

Where am I playing small?

How do I get to take 

Better care of my body?

What else could this mean?

How can I grow from this?

If you do this

Even for just 

A few minutes a day

You will begin 

To rewire your brain

And from there

Relief isn’t far away

It’s only up from here

Joy truly is your natural state

It’s time for you to remember 

To our collective growth,

Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.




You’re either observing reality or you’re creating it


Distraction has always been the greatest weapon of control.

You’re either observing reality or you’re creating it. You’re absolutely never doing both. It’s fine to be aware of what’s going on in the world. But if you give all your attention to it, not only are you not giving your attention to your own life, but you’re also not changing anything about the world. Which is ironically the main reason most people give for being so into politics in the first place.

And I get it. I was a Political Economy major in undergrad and there was a time I seriously considered giving my whole life to politics. That was back when I wanted to be a lawyer. And don’t get me wrong, we need the right people in politics too. So on the face of it, there’s nothing wrong with that.

But there’s a deeper truth I’ve learned since that time: in order to change the world, we have to change ourselves. This sounds easy on the surface, but it’s not. Because we have to change ourselves from the inside out and because if you commit deeply to this work, it really never ends. So you don’t have time for distractions.

I know this reality is very compelling. And I know there are many things wrong with it. And that right there is actually all the more reason to do the inner work. Because that’s truly the only way to shift, alchemize, bend and alter the reality we perceive and experience.

There are so many beautiful people doing so many amazing things in this world. There are so many animals waiting for you to truly see and honor them. There are so many children waiting for your warm embrace. There are so many beautiful frequencies and realms available to us while we are here in this physical body. So many beautiful places God has created for us to see.

So yes, acknowledge what you don’t like about the world. But make sure you use these things to fuel your passions, not your criticisms and observations. And let them be YOUR passions. Let them extend beyond your television screen or the device in your hand. Don’t give into the temptation of distraction. It will rob you of everything you came here to be.

To our collective remembering,
❤️❤️❤️ Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.