



I have had over 
A dozen experiences
With plant medicine
At this point in my life

And I can tell you
In no uncertain terms
That she has been my 
Greatest spiritual teacher

She may not be
For everyone
But everyone 
Is meant for her

She will show you

The most unrefined
Aspects of you

She will guide you
Through the most painful
And horrifying wormholes
Embedded in your psyche

She will reveal to you
Everything you need
To know
To see
To heal

In order to get
To the other side
Of You

She will take you
If necessary
Through past

She will extract 
From you
Your deepest

She will relentlessly
And unapologetically
Help - or sometimes force
you - to see what
You would most prefer 
To ignore

Not in others
But in yourself

Because this 
All knowing

She is the wisest
She is the Grandmother
The Mother of all Mothers

The one who knows
The one who sees
The one who cannot be 
Or sold

She will take you
To the depths 
Of hell

Only to show you
That the person
At the center of that hell
Is you

Yes, it will make you
Want to rage
And scream
And shout
And cry

It will make you want to revolt
To declare that you don't 'agree'
To declare that you don't submit
To declare that you don't 'need' her

But in the end
If necessary
She will bring you
To your knees

She will open your eyes
Against your so-called will

And create within you
A reality where You are the 
Only one
In charge

At first
This responsibility
May frighten you

But in the end
It will relieve you
Of all the burdens
You have been carrying around
For millennia 

In the end
She will leave you
With a self-awareness
That no money can buy
And only a true, sincere
And ongoing self-inquiry
Can sustain

She will help restore you
- as long as you commit 
to following the path -
To your true power

She will remind you
Of all that you really are

She will show you
The judgemental nature 
Of your own mind
And give you 
After opportunity
To let go
Of all of it

In the end
She will help you remember
Who you truly are 
And why you truly came

She will help wash away
Everything that isn't true
And help reveal to you
The Light and brightest
Version of you

She will help you see
That joy is your natural state
That expansion is your truest birthright
She will help you find your way home

To our collective growth,
Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.







So here’s the thing 

The life you dream of

The things that keep you up at night

The message you have to share with the world 

And the money and impact you came to make


These treasures

And more

Are unleashed

In direct proportion

To your level of commitment 


God is always asking us

Whether we hear Him or not


“Are you truly willing 

To follow your Highest Calling

Are you truly willing

To do what it takes”


Now I’m not gonna sit here and tell you
That I have it all figured out

Because I don’t

But what I can tell you for sure is this


No amount of positive thinking

Or attending seminars and workshops 

Is ever going to create the life you want

If you’re not willing to do at least

The following 3 things:

  1. Commit Fully To The Path Of Growth

This sounds obvious enough

But how often do we say one thing

And then go off and do another


How often do we proclaim our big goals

Perhaps to friends 

Or even publicly on social media

But when it comes down to it

We choose to go out partying 

Instead of creating an offer


We choose to complain about issues

We have no direct control over

Instead of expressing appreciation

To the people in our lives who truly love us


We choose to spend time with people

Who are totally out of alignment 

With our greater purpose

Instead of spending that time alone

Nourishing our bodies

Or finally reading that book

That we know can have a massive impact

On our business or our relationship 


I think you guys get the point

But I can’t over-state the importance 

Of this first step

Because everything begins with a decision

And if you’re decision isn’t non-negotiable

Then it’s not really a decision

2. Be Willing To Face Your Pain

This is a big one

And I can promise you

If you don’t like these words

There’s a really good chance 

That your (unprocessed) pain

And hurt is holding you back

Probably in all areas of your life

But definitely in business


Because we can only receive 

What we have the capacity to hold

And the more pain your body is holding onto 

The less room there is for the light to come through

Or for the relationship, money, or impact you desire 

To be yours 


There are many solutions here

But just a few ways

To address underlying, unprocessed emotions:


• Private 1:1 therapy with someone you actually trust

Is obviously one way 


• I also really like and recommend EFT 

It’s a simple practice which has helped me 

To unlock and release a lot over the years   

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique 

You can look it up on YouTube 

The best part of this is that you can do it

In the privacy of your own home


• If you’re in the LA area

Or can get yourself here

You can follow this link

To apply to attend an event called

Transformation Day

There is really nothing quite like full immersion


And this is hands-down the most impactful

Single-day event I’ve ever attended

And I’ve attended A LOT of events 

If you wanna know more 

Feel free to hit reply to this email

3. Be Willing To Get Support 

Because all the information in the world

Won’t do you any good

Unless you continue to integrate 

Everything you’re learning 

And continue to do so on a consistent basis


I can assure you 

That nobody you know

Who’s playing a really big game

Is doing it without support 

Including myself


There’s a team of people supporting me

Behind the scenes 

And there is absolutely no question

That I wouldn’t be where I am without them


You KNOW when you feel called

And not only do you owe it to Yourself

To pursue those nudges

To Listen to that tugging in your Soul

But the world needs you

Humanity needs you

Like it has never needed you before

The world is waiting on you to release the layers

Of fear, doubt, and shame


To share your story 

To share your gifts 

To do it in a way that’s totally

100% special and unique to you

Humanity is calling on all of us

With a message

With the knowing  

That there is so much more to Life

Than we’re currently experiencing

To rise 


But first you have to decide

This has to matter more to you than absolutely anything

If you think I’m exaggerating 

I’m not

And you already know 

That this is your time

That joy is your natural state

And that humanity has been waiting lifetimes for you


To our collective growth,


Tara x






What’s on your heart matters. Let the things you see wrong in the world serve as your motivation to change them. Spread a message that’s greater than you ♥️

If you have questions please reply by email.




Nobody Else Has The Key To Your Life, Only You


Nobody Else Has The Key To Your Life, Only You — And Deep Down You Know It 🔐🌱 Other people are an inconsistent and unreliable source of guidance at best. With very rare exceptions — such as a super trusted friend or mentor who actually has whatever it is that you’re looking for — most people will not be able to offer you anything close to the guidance that is available to you when you learn to tune within ♥️

If you have questions please reply by email.




Own it


The world needs your knowledge, your gifts, your passion.
Humanity has been waiting lifetimes for you.

I had a dream last night, it was unlike any dream I’ve ever had before. It put the fragility of life directly before me. This dream, which was more of a nightmare tbh, I believe happened in order to encode my cells with a deep understanding that life is very short. And that once we go, the opportunity for change in this lifetime goes with us.

Of course from a very broad perspective, that’s alright because Spirit never dies. But from the equally important perspective that acknowledges how important the work we came here to do is, dying would not help as much as living fully into our purpose would.

So then the question becomes how to live. How to live fully. How to live for oneself. How to live for our true purpose. How to totally embody our planetary mission. How to cultivate our relationship with God. How to become a true vessel. How to do it and how to do it as quickly as possible because there are many things humanity is waiting on us to stand up and claim.

But none of these things can happen without more people like me and you standing up and declaring that it is so. We have immeasurable power amongst us. We have immeasurable power within us. But we have to own it. We have to stand up. We have to do the internal work. We have to speak up. We have to be VERY clear on why we’re here and what we’re here to do. Because without clarity we can’t be confident. And without confidence, we can’t do much.

The other truth is that we rise together. And I want to help you rise. Just as people have helped (and continue to help) me rise.






There is no such thing as “ready” - there is only “ready enough” and you are beyond ready enough.

Stop acting as if you don’t have all the information you need to step into the highest version of you Now. Stop putting it off until some undefined future.

Stop thinking you’re not ready. Whether it’s to leave that bad situation you’re in, to FULLY SHOW UP at work, to share that vulnerable post, or finally try going vegan - 21 day vegan challenge link in my bio if you’re interested.

Regardless of what it is, it’s important to know that (from a neurobiological perspective) you will never be ready.

There is no such thing as “ready” - there is only “ready enough” and you are beyond ready enough. 🌱👽

Let’s practice the kindness we say we want to see in the world. Because the way we talk and think about others is always a reflection of the way we talk and think about ourselves.

x Tara

If you have questions please reply by email.







Despite the abundance of self-help and feel good memes at our fingertips these days, on a neurobiological level, your brain is still wired to tell you that you’re never gonna get it quite right.

That you’re never gonna be exactly the way you’re “supposed to” be. That there will always be somebody doing it better.

It’s the voice that rears her ugly head the moment you go to publish that vulnerable post, or post that racy photo. Even posting this is slightly uncomfortable for me. It’s the voice that says: “Who do you think you are? Your message isn’t THAT important. You’re not pretty enough to post that. You haven’t gone through enough (or if that’s not true for you) you’ve gone through WAY too much. You’re too “broken” to help anyone. Nobody will listen. What if they don’t like you. Better to stay quiet. You know you won’t be able to handle the criticism. Haven’t you taken up enough space in the world already. Haven’t you caused enough problems. Maybe you’re past your prime. You’re never going to get it right anyway. Maybe it’s time to be more realistic. Maybe mom and dad were right after all . . .” You guys get the picture. The list literally goes on ad infinitum.

If it’s one thing I’ve learned over all these years it’s that the voice doesn’t just go away on its own. You have to actually do the thing you’re afraid of doing. You have to say the thing you’re afraid to say. You have to share the vulnerability.

Basically, you have to take the risk. EVEN THOUGH IT’S SCARY. You have to let that critical voice momentarily take a backseat. And eventually fade into the background of your life.

You have to know that you’re enough. No matter what anyone else says or does. Because you ARE enough. Just as you are. And understand that that voice is there to keep you “safe” — it doesn’t care if you’re happy — so it’s our job to re-educate the voice.

And you know what really helps!? The feeling of safety with the people we’re around. So I say let’s start by being nicer to each other on online, on social media.

Let’s practice the kindness we say we want to see in the world. Because the way we talk and think about others is always a reflection of the way we talk and think about ourselves.

x Tara

If you have questions please reply by email.




It matters to tell your story



Today, as Duke and I spend our last official day in LA and I’m loading up the car and reflecting on the past 13+ months of not only fun and travel (which is most of what I’ve posted), but also the heartache, the mis-aligned relationships, the battles with my inner demons — there are a lot of emotions coming to the surface, so that they can be released and healed once and for all.
More than anything else today, I want to remind you that it matters to speak your truth. It matters to tell your story. It matters to speak for justice. It matters to speak up for those who have no voice. This is the only way for humanity to find our way back.
But it isn’t enough just to speak. We must also do the inner emotional work of releasing our bondage to the past. Because there is a world of difference between speaking from a place of love, versus speaking from a place of fear.
And Love is the only path through which we will return to our natural state of joy and well-being. By vibrating so high that everything which is not love simply falls out of our field. This is how we will create heaven on Earth.
To our collective growth,
Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.






Our thoughts are not all our own.

PERU 🇵🇪 It was 9 weeks ago today I went on my first plant medicine journey. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to fully describe the underworlds I visited — places I’ve never seen before, not even in my worst nightmares — but here’s the thing I realized. They are all worlds that exist in me, and yet they aren’t actually mine. They weren’t created by me. Although they are a part of me.
In order to explain, I’ll share with you guys something that I shared with a client last night:

I consider myself a non-believer in many ways. I mean, sure, I believe in a power greater than myself, I believe in the Universe’s mystical ways and I believe in Mother Earth as an entity in her own right.

BUT... I didn’t grow up particularly religious, and the idea of a hell/heaven dichotomy after we die always humored me more than it frightened me.
That’s not to say that the plant medicine changed any of that. It didn’t.

During my first journey, I was in an underworld within underworlds that was full of darkness, with literally no light coming through (and I mean none) for nearly 6 hours.
But that wasn’t the interesting part.

I was in SO deep, that the Spirits actually said to me — in a voice as real and audible as if I were standing behind you in line at a Starbucks making small talk about the weather: “You’re in too deep. They’ll never be able to get you back, so stop trying. You’re never getting out of here. There is no escape. So you might as well turn and face it.” Of course what they were really telling me is that I had to turn and face myself.

I share this with you to make a point. Well there are many points I could make, but I’m just gonna make the one for now . . .
The power of our collective consciousness is undeniable.
Our thoughts are not all our own.
They are part of humanity’s thoughts.
Part of humanity’s hell.
Part of humanity’s darkness.
But the dark irony is that despite this, there is still no way out — not for any of us — but through.
The day will eventually come when each of us must face ourself.
Whether we do so with grace or via chaos, that is up to us.
Indeed it might be the only thing that is truly up to us in the end. ♥️ Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.







Thanks to my @iamcoltonwinkelman for this one ❤️
I have to say, for over 2 weeks of no caffeine and only minimal amounts of sugar (only in the form of fruit and that’s only been the past 48 hours) I can’t remember the last time I needed such little sleep w/o the use of illicit substances. .
I’m talking 3 to 5 hours a night. Perfect example, I just woke up. It’s 6:22 AM right now The last time I saw before I went to bed was 2:27 AM.
I thought being vegan brought an increase of energy and clarity (and if you haven’t tried it for yourself yet, believe me it does) but add plant medicine to the mix and you’re operating on a whole other level. .
The plants out here in the Peruvian jungle can reset and rewire your entire system, and do so in a very short amount of time. That’s obviously not all they do, it’s just one of the unintentional side effects. Don’t get me wrong, it’s uncomfortable AF, but so worth it. .
This was my last night at the retreat grounds. At 10 AM I get picked up and head to a beautiful ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ hotel here in Cusco to spend another 1-2 days integrating before flying back home to California — oh how I have missed thee! It will be so weird to be back out in civilization after nearly 2 weeks of not leaving the grounds, except for a very short walk yesterday, but I didn’t get very far because my fur baby from here ended up following me.
PS – in case you’ve forgotten to stop and tell yourself lately, you’re doing great. Remember that the point isn’t to complete the process of life. It’s to live it. Besides, it can’t be completed anyway. The point is to enjoy it. To forgive (Self) more. To love (Self) more. And to be grateful. That’s the only thing we actually have control over in the end. .
To our collective growth,
💗 Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.




“Be careful what you ask for,” they say ...



“Be careful what you ask for,” they say.

I never did understand that.

Be careful WHY?
Because you just might get it?
Isn’t that the whole point?
To get the things we ask for?

It may be subtle, but the fear-based message is still there. The msg that you can’t really trust yourself to even ask for the right things in life.

Maybe the updated wisdom parents can teach their kids is to question WHO is doing the asking.
Like seriously, the words might be coming out of YOUR mouth, but who’s really asking for that job?

That house?

That relationship with that ONE specific person?

Who’s really asking for the life you say you want (or are actually living)? Is it your parents?
Is it society?
Your husband?
Your wife?
Your ego?

Because if it isn’t truly you, if it’s not coming from the depths of your Soul, then even if you do achieve the so-called dream, it will be someone’s else’s life . . .

Someone else’s dream.
To our collective growth,
Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.