
To My Shadow Workers


Photo Credit: @pilupepper on Instagram

First off, I love you all. Otherwise I wouldn’t bother.

Dairy — An Industry Built On Exploitation, Lies and Hidden Addictions

We humans are quite silly. In a kind of tragic way, to be honest.

We go on about peace while paying for the worst acts of violence. Like separating a mother and her baby.

Obviously that makes no sense.

And then we act helpless, as though we’re not creating the world by virtue of our collective behaviors. Why do we do this?

For those who don’t know, cows cannot produce milk without getting pregnant. Yep. Just like humans.

And contrary to what the idyllic images of cows strolling merrily along the fields would have you believe, they are not just naturally getting pregnant or breeding on their own.

This is actually a 180° inversion of the truth. Like most things.

In reality, they are held in what the industry itself calls ‘rape racks’ — can’t make this stuff up.

Yes. That’s how they get pregnant.

Then, not only are their babies taken away from them so that humans can drink the ‘milk’ intended for their newborn — because you know cheese.

But these mothers are in fact physically violated over and over again in a continuous nightmare that constitutes their life.

Just to give you an idea of the level of exploitation and exhaustion they go through, what would naturally be a 20-25 year lifespan, won’t be more than 4-5 years. At which point she will be sent to slaughter.

Because coconut creamer for your coffee is too much to ask.

All the daughters she gives birth to will live the same fate as her. Her sons will have it a bit better, as they will be kept in tiny crates so their muscles can’t fully develop. Then slaughtered while still babies.

So people can eat ‘veal’ (tender meat caused by immobility) but at least they will have the good fortune of having a much shorter life.

Perhaps it’s time to be more honest about our true values. And stop shouting about things that we’re not actually willing to change.

To our collective growth,

Tara x

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