Black Lives


Why they matter and why being silent is also ok

Photo Credit: @bobbysud on Instagram

Photo Credit: @bobbysud on Instagram

Dear Friend,

So I’ve been thinking

Long and hard 

About whether or not

To speak on this


And about the push back

I might get

From various groups

And people


But to honor my path

And my personal agreement

With God

Which is to always act

In alignment with the highest version

Of myself

— even when it’s uncomfortable —

I feel the need to speak on it



There are two things

I really feel the need

To address

This week


Especially in light of

Everything that’s going on

In the world at the moment


The first:

Whether or not it’s ok

To stay silent right now


And the second: 

Whether the phrase All Lives Matter

Is an acceptable response

To the phrase Black Lives Matter 


As I break down my thoughts 

On each of these 

It may seem like 

I’m on two different sides

Of the issue


And that’s part of why

I was initially hesitant

To speak on it


So all I ask

Is that you hear me out

Before drawing your conclusions 


So the first issue:

Do I feel it’s ok to stay silent right now?


Yes — not only do I feel it’s ok

But in some cases, I would actually prefer

People stay silent


Specifically I’m referring to people

Who are not — for one reason or other —

Speaking out 

About the murder

Of George Floyd


As someone who works 1:1 

With some of the biggest

Influencers, athletes

And thought leaders

In the world


I can tell you for certain 

That silence is not always

A sign of apathy


In fact, I’ve been having

Some of the most difficult

And meaningful conversations 

Of my life this past week


Some people — both black

and white — aren’t ready 

To come out and speak about 

What’s happening yet

Because they’re still processing

Their feelings


Others feel like they need

To stay silent and LISTEN

So they can fully appreciate 

What’s going on

And THEN speak out


And that’s a distinction I feel

It’s important to make 

Everyone’s timeline is different


Personally, I would much rather 

People actually be IN 

Their authentic feelings

Truly listening to others 

With an open mind and heart


I would much rather people LISTEN

While going through an authentic process

Of deep awakening & internal change


Than to jump on social media and speak

Just for the sake of speaking


Or, even worse, to say something 

That isn’t really heartfelt 


We can all see through it

When someone is just giving lip service


To a certain issue 


But doesn’t really FEEL 

The emotional resonance 

Of their own words


I don’t know about you

But to me it’s clear as day

When someone is simply speaking

Out of fear or a sense of obligation 


And quite honestly

It’s painful to listen to 


I think it’s also worth saying

Some people don’t know 

WHAT they feel

And if they do know

They don’t know HOW 

To actually speak on it

Or maybe they’re just not ready to 


Which makes all the people online

Telling people that they have to speak up

That they’re being put “on notice” if they don’t

Similar to the people trying to tell everyone

The “right way” to protest



It’s all a form of bullying

And it’s a problem

No matter who’s doing it


Ok - now onto the second issue:


Is it ok to say All Lives Matter

When someone says Black Lives Matter


In my opinion

Absolutely not

It’s not only not ok

But it’s hugely dismissive, minimizing

And — I don’t love to use this word — 



I especially wanna say this 

To my beloved vegan community


Because I know many of you



And I know most of you

Would never intentionally

Minimize the pain of any group 


But please know that 

When you say all lives matter

You are acting no better 

Than that person in your comments section

Shouting things like “don’t you care about people”

When you try to bring to their attention 

The issue of animal suffering

Cruelty and slaughter 


Point being, pain must be witnessed

And fully acknowledged 

Before it can be healed 



It’s important to remember

That when someone says 

Black Lives Matter


They’re not actually 

Taking anything away 

From you


Or from any other cause 

Or movement for that matter


On the contrary

When we respond with 

All Lives Matter 


We ARE attempting 

— however unconsciously — 

to overlook and bypass 

Legitimate pain and suffering


And very legitimate rage


Not to be confused with violence 


Violence is an action

Whereas anger

Is an emotional response


And even though

Anger makes people uncomfortable 

It’s not the same as violence

And when it is actually accepted

Without judgment 

And without 

The need

To water it down


The anger serves 

A very important

And very necessary



Just as our anger 

In the vegan community

Mobilizes action


So it is

In any community


Let’s not forget that 

Oppression anywhere

Is oppression everywhere


Joy is our natural state


It’s time for us to remember


To our collective growth, 

Tara x